Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff

Nowadays due to pollution and paucity of time people do not get time to take care of their hair properly. Even using different types of new hairstyles and hair products has to face the problem of dandruff. Dandruff weakens the hair roots and leads to hair fall.

Usually the problem of dandruff is not taken seriously, but if it is not taken care of in time, then this common problem can also become serious. Although there are many anti-dandruff shampoos available in the market, there is a risk of dryness of hair due to their use. In such a situation, it would be better that you adopt home remedies so that the hair is least damaged. 

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is actually a common problem of the scalp. In this problem, something like a white crust starts falling from the head. Actually this is our dead skin. Dandruff can happen to people of any age, sometimes even newborn children suffer from this problem. However, most men with oily skin are troubled by this problem.

Causes Of Dandruff

According to Ayurveda, Vata-Pitta-Kapha doshas are found in our body. If the dosha becomes unbalanced then many diseases start to arise in our body. Similarly, due to the imbalance of Pitta and Kapha dosha in Dandruff, they mix with the blood and make the blood dirty. The pores of the head are closed. Due to which the skin of the head starts becoming dry and the crust starts to settle on the head, which is called dandruff. But there are many reasons for having dandruff. 

Vitamin Deficiency

There are many biological elements found in our body which are very important for the growth of our body. People who do not eat well i.e. those who consume junk food like pizza, burger, maida products in large quantities and green vegetables like; Gourd, Taroi, Parwal etc. are taken in very small quantities, due to which there is a shortage of vital elements. Dandruff mainly occurs due to lack of vital elements.

Dry Skin

The most common cause of dandruff is dry skin, especially in winters. If the pieces of husk visible on the shoulder are small and not oily, or if you have dry skin on other parts of the body, then this can also be a reason for dandruff.

Not Shampooing Enough

If the hair is not washed regularly, then oil and skin cells start growing in the scalp. These cells later start falling out as dandruff. To get healthy hair, it is necessary that we keep cleaning the hair regularly.

Hair Products

Many times different types of ingredients are used in hair care products. Some of these products may make your skin sensitive, or may increase the problem of itchy and dry scalp.If the scalp becomes dry then the problem of dandruff can increase.

Eczema & Psoriasis

Dandruff can also be a problem at times due to some common skin problems and diseases. Skin problems like eczema and psoriasis are prominent among these diseases. Apart from these two diseases, some diseases like Parkinson’s can also cause dandruff in people.

Home Remedies For Dandruff

Now you would like to know which remedies you can do to treat dandruff at home. These are the amazing home remedies that after trying once will not bother you with the problem of dandruff:

Neem Leaves

Neem is a natural antiseptic. It has also been used for thousands of years to deal with the problem of hair. 

Use: boil neem leaves in water. Later, grind the leaves to make a thick paste. Keep this paste on your head for 10 minutes. Afterwards wash the head with water. (After boiling the neem leaves, save the remaining water. You can use this water to wash your head after shampoo.)


Curd is actually a good source of lactose and protein. When applied to the hair, curd not only deeply nourishes the hair but also helps in protecting it from dandruff. The main reason for the problem of dandruff is dry skin under the hair. Curd nourishes the scalp so much that the problem of dry skin is almost eliminated.

Use: Apply old and sour curd or whey all over your scalp. Keep it for at least 10 minutes (it is better to apply for at least 30 minutes). Afterwards wash the head with water.

Lemon juice and Coconut oil

Lauric acid is found in coconut oil. This acid goes down the scalp with the help of hair fibers and nourishes the hair roots. In addition, lemon helps in maintaining the pH level of the scalp. Excess sebum deposited on the scalp can also be removed with the use of lemon.

Use: Take coconut oil and heat it. Mix equal quantities of lemon juice in lukewarm coconut oil. Apply this mixture well on the roots of the hair. Keep it for 10 minutes or the whole night and wash the hair thoroughly in the morning with a mild shampoo.

Egg yolk

Egg yolk contains biotin. It is a vitamin that plays a major role in removing dandruff. It also acts as a great conditioner for your hair and makes your hair healthy.

Use: Take egg yolk, make sure that your hair and scalp should be dry before applying it. Now apply it on the hair and scalp and cover the hair with a plastic cover for about 1 hour. Wash your hair gently using shampoo.

Tea tree

Tea tree oil is enriched with anti-fungal properties which help a lot to remove dandruff. Not only this, there is no dryness in the hair and scalp during this period.

Use: Add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo and massage it into your hair and scalp. Leave on hair for about 5 minutes, then rinse off with water.

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