Heat Boils: Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies

Red bumps on the skin, pus-filled bumps, are often painful. Mostly in the summer season, heat boils start appearing on the skin. The hair follicle or oil gland gets infected by the bacteria and a small pimple comes out at that place.

Often people suffer from boils. Boils not only appear on the face but can also appear on other parts of the body, such as shoulders, legs, arms, armpits and buttocks. Do not apply chemical creams or lotions on sensitive areas, as it makes the condition worse.

Natural remedies are the best to avoid this. Today, in this post of Glowrious Girls, you will know about causes, symptoms and home remedies remedies for Heat Boils.

What are Heat Boils

An abscess is an infection of a hair follicle, caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Boils usually heal on their themselves, but a serious problem may require medical attention. This may include antibiotics and lancing. It usually looks similar to acne, which occurs as a red colored boil. Hair breaking can appear anywhere on the skin except the palms and soles (1).

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Types Of Boils

There are following types of hair breakers:

1. Hidradenitis Suppurativa – This is a type of skin disease. A pus filled abscess forms on the skin, causing pain. This problem is more in parts like underarms and thighs (2).

2. Carbuncle – A carbuncle is an infection of the hair follicle(s) that spreads to the surrounding skin and deeper underlying subcutaneous tissue(3).

3. Pilonidal cyst – Originally derived from congenital disease, remnants of the medullary tube, dermoid traction, inclusion dermoid, or preen glands. It’s consider an acquired disease. If the infection spreads, it takes the form of an abscess(4).

Causes Of Heat Boils

Heat boils are mainly caused by bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus(5). Apart from this, it can also be caused by other types of bacteria or fungi found on the surface of the skin. Not only this, Boils can also happen due to the following reasons:

1. Improper skin care

2. Hair loss

3. Waxing or shaving

4. Wear tight clothes

5. certain medicines

6. Overweight

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Symptoms Of Heat Boils

Heat boils can be recognized by the appearance of these symptoms(6):

1. Pea sized boil on the skin

2. White or yellow pus-filled boils

3. Boils on other parts of the skin

4. Pus discharge

5. Reddening of the skin around the boil

6. Itching before the boil develops

7. Fever and Fatigue

Home Remedies For Heat Boils


Turmeric has been used for the skin for a long time. Whether it is to enhance the beauty of the face or to heal the wound, turmeric is considered a panacea for all these tasks. Actually, turmeric is rich in anti-bacterial properties. In such a situation, it is believed that it can reduce the infection spread in the skin, which can prove beneficial in the problem of hair break. 


Apply turmeric paste on the affected area.


Cumin is an excellent anti-oxidant and at the same time it is effective in reducing inflammation and relaxing the muscles. Enriched with Fiber and it is also a good source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. Also rich with Vitamin E, A, C and B-complex. Cumin can easily get rid of the pus and bacteria of the rash.


1. Take 4 teaspoons of cumin powder.

2. Roast cumin seeds and grind them to make powder.

3. Make a paste by adding a few drops of water to it.

4. Apply it on the affected area.

5. Apply it every 4-5 hours.

6. Keep applying it until you see the effect.


The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of neem are beneficial for the skin. Lighten scars – Neem face pack helps in lightening the scars left behind by acne or pimples. Provides anti-aging benefits – Neem face pack helps in reducing skin thinning and wrinkles and fine lines. A paste made from neem leaves can prove to be very useful in removing this problem.


1. Mix the paste of basil and rose water with neem leaves.

2. Apply the mixture on the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.

3. You can use this paste regularly.

Tea Tree oil

In Ayurveda, tea tree oil is considered very beneficial for boils and pimples. The reason behind this is the anti-bacterial effect present in it, which can protect the skin by fighting bacteria.


1. Mix witch hazel in tea tree oil.

2. With the help of cotton, apply that mixture on the boil.

3. Use it till it gets better.

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Betel leaves

Many anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory elements are present in betel leaves. It kills bacteria and reduces inflammation of the skin. It also eliminates the pus of the rash.


1. Take 2-3 fresh betel leaves.

2. Boil it in half a cup of water on medium heat till it becomes soft. ,

3. Let the mixture cool down and make a paste out of it.

4. Apply it on the affected area till it dries and then wash it off with water.

5. Use it twice a week.

Aloe vera

Many types of vitamins, proteins, and minerals are found in aloe vera. Aloe vera has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. While its anti-bacterial property helps in fighting bacteria, on the one hand, its anti-inflammatory property can reduce inflammation. Apart from skin and hair, aloe vera can also treat hair breakage.


Take fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on the boil.


Onion juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, which make the face spotless and glowing. This property can reduce the infection spread in the skin.


Place a piece of onion on the boil and then tie a clean cloth on it.

Baking Soda

Baking soda keeps infections away due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Also baking soda can help in exfoliating the face.


1. Make a thick paste by mixing baking soda in water.

2. Apply to the affected area.

3. When dry, wash off with normal water.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered a very good microbial agent. It clears the bacterial infection once the inflammation starts. Apart from this, it corrects the pH level of the skin, so that problems like boils and inflammation can be avoided on the skin.


1. Take one cup of vinegar in a spoonful.

2. Dip a cotton ball in it and then apply it on the area around the boil.

3. You can also add a little water to the vinegar if you feel a burning sensation when applying it.

4. People with sensitive skin have to take equal quantities of vinegar and water.

5. Apply it regularly for best results.

Garlic juice

Garlic juice is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains abundant sulfur compounds which are the main reason for these properties.


1. Take 2-3 garlic cloves

2. Make a smooth paste of it.

3. Apply this paste on heat boilers.

4. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with water.

5. Apply it 2-3 times a day.

Castor Oil

Castor oil contains an anti-inflammatory compound called ricinoleic acid, which helps in eliminating the rash. In addition, it also moisturizes the skin and prevents the formation of excess oil in the skin.


1. Take a cotton pad and dip it in castor oil.

2. Apply it on the affected area with the help of a cotton pad

3. Leave for 20 minutes.

4. Wash it off with normal water.

5. Use it for 2-3 days.

Prevention Tips For Heat Boils

Keep in mind some things, it can prevent boils or pimples:

1. Wear loose clothing during summer  – Wearing too tight clothing can rub the skin and damage the hair of the skin, which increases the chances of boils. Especially while working out. So it is better to always wear loose clothes in summer.

2. Wearing clean clothes – Sometimes wearing dirty clothes can also spread infection and cause boils. So try to wear clean clothes daily.

3. Do waxing or shaving carefully – Waxing or shaving is one of the causes of boils. Therefore, by careful waxing or shaving, the problem of boils can also be avoided.

4. Wash your hands after coming in contact with boils – If someone has boils and you come in unintentional contact with them, then wash your hands thoroughly in such a situation.

5. Avoid swimming pools- Do not use swimming pools when there is a boil. It can spread to other people.

In this article, some effective home remedies to get relief from boils have been mentioned. But it is necessary to have some patience to cure boils and skin infections using home remedies. Because they are late but benefit you in the long run. Follow some of its rules, such as cleanliness and diet. It also plays an equally important role in curing boils. This will protect your skin from infection.

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