Home Remedies For Acne On Oily Skin 

The problem of oily skin has become very common these days. Due to the oily skin, there is a problem with acne, whiteheads, and blackheads on the skin. What type of skin you have depends mainly on three things. Lipid level, water, and sensitivity. In this article, we will talk about easy ways to get rid of Acne on Oily Skin.

Oily skin has high lipid levels, and water and fat content. The sebaceous glands found in oily skin are more active than in normal skin. Hormonal changes are more likely to cause oily skin. Sometimes lifestyle is also responsible for oily skin. Some people have naturally oily skin. Oily skin has larger pores as compared to normal skin.

Causes of Acne on Oily skin

Oily skin can happen from birth or due for many reasons. Let us know about it further.

1- The skin can also become oily due to the changing seasons.

2- Some have genetically predisposed to oily skin.

3- Hormonal changes in the body are mainly responsible for the production of oil. The androgen hormone in women fluctuates throughout life. such as before menopause or during pregnancy. It encourages the sebaceous glands to produce oil. One of the main reasons for oily skin is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances can over-activate the testosterone hormone in men, resulting in excessive oil production.

4- Pimples also come out due to excessive use of cosmetics. Many times women keep makeup on their face all day and do not take off makeup properly at night, due to this pimples can also happen.

Home Remedies for Acne on Oily Skin


Yogurt helps to absorb excess oil from the face. 


1. Mix yogurt well and Apply curd on your face.

2. Leave it for 15 minutes.

3. Now wash the face with cold water.

Ice cubes

Ice Cubes not only increase the blood circulation in the infected area but also tighten the pores by removing the dirt and oil from the skin.


  1. Put ice in a cotton or silk cloth and apply it slowly on the pimple area.
  2. Pimples are easily removed even after having oily skin by applying ice daily.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is the best natural solution to remove pimples from oily skin. It has antibacterial properties.


Apply tea tree oil to the pimple area with a cotton ball.

After 20 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water.


Honey enriched with natural antibacterial properties. Which will help to remove the infection.


1. Apply raw honey to your face or if you want to add lemon juice to it.

2. Mix it well and apply on your face.

3. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes.

4. Do this for a week.


Sandalwood is beneficial for our skin in many ways. Especially it prevents pimples from growing on the face. 


1. Sandalwood powder mixed with lemon juice.

2. Mix it well and apply on your face.

3. Wash it off with normal water after 15-20 minutes. 

4. pimples will be removed from your face in a few days.


Antioxidants and Vitamin A present in papaya removes infection. 


1. Extract the juice of papaya 

2. keep it on the pimple for 20 minutes.

3. If you want to, you can use honey with papaya pulp.

4. Apply it on the pimples. 

5. Wash it off with water after it dries.

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