Dark Neck: Best Ways To Get Rid Of It

Most of the girls take care of their faces and look beautiful too but what about your dark neck? I know, you never noticed the Dark Neck. Many people do not pay much attention to the blackness of the neck, which sometimes makes us feel embarrassed in front of people. Apart from this, a Dark Neck reduces the beauty. If you also want to remove the blackness of the neck then this article is for you.

Symptoms of Black Neck

The primary symptom of a Dark Neck is a darkening of the skin on the neck. But in some cases, in people who have black necks, some such symptoms are also seen, such as (1).

1. hyperpigmentation

2. Skin becomes hard and thick.

3. Feel velvety skin. 

4. Itchy skin

5. Extra fat or double chin on the neck

Many times, when we clean the neck by rubbing it, but forget to moisturize it. As a result, we may face dark patches, wrinkles, and other problems. That’s why it is very important to take care of the neck.

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Causes of Dark Neck

There can be many reasons for black neck (2)

Acanthosis Nigricans- 

This is a hormonal cause of the dark neck, where melanin accumulates on the skin due to obesity and insulin resistance(3). Due to this, other parts like the neck, underarms, and groin also darken. Dark necks can also be lightened by weight loss and treating insulin resistance.

Atopic Dermatitis-

Atopic dermatitis develops due to dust allergy and pollen allergy(4). These allergies are serious skin conditions where people with sensitive skin become allergic to dust, and pollen and also develop itching and rash on the neck. During this, the person feels that dirt has accumulated on the neck, while it is an allergy. Moisturizing the neck area and getting treated for allergies help get rid of this problem.

Tinea Versicolor- 

Pityriasis Versicolor is sometimes called tinea versicolor and is a common fungal skin infection(5). The fungus interferes with the normal pigmentation of the skin, resulting in the formation of small, light-colored spots. These patches may be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.

Dermatitis Neglecta-

A skin condition caused by a lack of hygiene such as sweating and dirt from makeup(6). This can cause hyperpigmentation problems.

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Sun Exposure-

You must have noticed that many times your skin becomes darker due to exposure to strong sunlight. Although it is called pigmentation, gradually it is caused by dark skin and darkening of the neck. There can be many reasons behind hyperpigmentation, such as:

1. Harmful rays of the sun

2. Hormone-related diseases such as Addison’s (when the adrenal glands do not produce hormones)

3. Birthmarks

4. Excess iron in the body

5. Side effects of some medicines

6. Sugary and high starch food aggravates this problem.

7. If the skin of the neck is not cleaned properly, dead cells, oil, and dirt accumulate in it.

Home Remedies for Dark Neck

Common neck darkening can be done away with using some ingredients that are available at home. Below we are telling you about some easy home remedies to remove the blackness of the neck.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Dark Neck

Apple cider vinegar is good for the skin. Research has found that the alpha hydroxy acid found in it can help in healthy and new skin cells by removing dead skin cells. It can help in controlling the pH level of the skin. On this basis, we can say that apple cider vinegar can be helpful in the problem of black neck. 


1. Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and four tablespoons of water and mix them well.

2. Take a cotton ball, dip it in the solution and apply it around your neck.

3. Leave it for ten minutes and wash it off with water.

4. This treatment can be done daily for about one to one and a half months. You will see good results from this and the blackness of your neck will be reduced to a great extent.

2. Baking Soda For Dark Neck

Baking Soda pack helps to easily remove the lifeless and dead layer of skin from your neck. This is also exfoliating and enhances your skin. This mixture helps in nourishing the skin from within.


1. To apply it, mix 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda with water and make a paste.

2. Apply the paste to the neck and leave it for a few minutes.

3. After drying, massage gently with wet fingers

4. Now wash with water.

5. In the beginning, it can be done twice a day.

6. Apply moisturizer after this mask.

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3. Aloe Vera For Dark Neck

Aloe vera reduces the effect of pigmentation. It contains a flavonoid called Aloesin. This element found in aloe vera can help regulate tyrosinase (an enzyme that works to produce melanin) activity, which can help reduce the problem of hyperpigmentation.


1. Take aloe vera pulp or aloe vera gel.
2. Apply it to your neck and massage it for some time.

3. Wash the neck with water after about 10 minutes.

4. Do this remedy daily.

4. Oatmeal Scrub For Dark Neck

Applying oats to the skin keeps the skin clean and moisturizes the skin. It protects from the harmful rays of the sun. Oatmeal can help to remove the problem of dark neck caused by dirt by cleaning the skin.


1. Coarsely grind the oats.

2. Make a paste by mixing water or raw milk in coarse oats.

3. Now apply it on the neck and leave it to dry.

4. Massage it in a circular motion with light hands.

5. Use this scrub two to three times a week.

5. Potato Juice For Dark Neck

A good amount of vitamin C is found in potatoes. Vitamin C can help protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun and lighten the complexion. On this basis, we can say that the use of potatoes can help remove the blackness of the neck.


1. Grate the potato and extract its juice.

2. Apply the juice to the neck using a cotton ball.

3. let it dry.

4. After that wash the neck.

5. Try this juice daily.

6. Olive Oil For Dark Neck

The benefits of olive oil can also be beneficial in brightening the skin of the neck. Vitamin E is found in it, which can help reduce the problem of hyperpigmentation by controlling tyrosinase activity.


1. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil.

2. Apply this serum to the neck before sleeping.

3. Massage it in a circular motion with light hands for 5 min.

4. Leave it on all night.

5. Apply daily for a month.

7. Almond Oil For Dark Neck

Almond oil is enriched with Vitamin E, which makes your skin flawless and tones your skin. It also contains a mild bleaching agent, which has properties to help improve complexion and skin tone when absorbed into the skin.


1. Mix well a few drops of almond or coconut oil and 1-2 drops of tea tree oil (optional).

Clean the neck thoroughly.

2. Massage the oil mixture on the neck.

3. Massage in a circular motion with light hands for at least 10-15 minutes.

4. Wash the neck with lukewarm water.

5. Wipe off the oil with a cotton swab.

6. Do it every day.

8. Vitamin E Capsule For Dark Nek

Vitamin E may help prevent and reduce hyperpigmentation by regulating tyrosinase activity. The use of Vitamin-E capsules can prove beneficial in the problem of black neck.


1. Take out the oil from three to four capsules of Vitamin E and keep it in a bowl.

2. Apply this oil to your neck and massage it for some time.

3. Leave it on the neck overnight and wash it off in the morning.

4. Do it daily

9. Turmeric For Dark Neck

Turmeric can reduce the effects of hyperpigmentation. Research has mentioned that the antioxidant properties found in turmeric can control facial hyperpigmentation. Darkness on the neck due to hyperpigmentation can be removed with the use of turmeric.


1. One to two teaspoons plain yogurt and one-fourth teaspoon turmeric powder

2. Add turmeric powder to the yogurt and mix well.

3. Apply this paste to the neck and leave it for 15 minutes.

4. Now wash it off with warm water.

Treatments For Dark Neck

There are many treatments available to get rid of dark necks. There are also many such remedies, by trying which you can remove the blackness of the neck. So let’s know about them.

Chemical Peels For Dark Neck

Chemical peels are also known as chemical exfoliation or derma peeling. It is a chemical solution to improve the skin. Under this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the affected area such as the neck. This solution breaks down the layers of the skin and new skin comes out. The new skin is fresh and glowing.

Chemical peels can be used on all skin types. But if you have a darker skin tone, you have a higher risk of darkening your skin after treatment. This condition is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. If you have naturally dark skin tone, you can consult your dermatologist to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Microdermabrasion For Dark Neck

Microdermabrasion treatment involves removing the affected layer of skin with the help of instruments. Its can be a great treatment for people who are suffering from problems like blemishes, sun damage, and dark neck.

Laser For Dark Neck

Lasers are also used to remove the darkening of the neck. In this, the skin is removed layer by layer very precisely with the help of a laser. It promotes the growth of new and healthy collagen. This helps in improving the skin. Please consult your doctor before getting it done.

Don’t Forget These Tips

The following tips can be adapted to remove the blackness of the throat.

1. Wash your neck after washing your face.

2. Before going out in the sun, apply sunscreen lotion on the neck as well.

3. Do not wear such metal things around the neck, which will darken the skin.

4. Cover your face and neck properly before going out.

5. Before using any chemical cream, please consult your beauty specialist.

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