Best Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan

With the arrival of summer, everyone starts worrying about protecting the skin from the sun tan is the biggest problem in this season and it makes a scar and spots on the skin that even you do not recognize your real color. Due to sun tanning, the color of the skin becomes dark or the skin gets burnt.

The skin of the face is more sensitive, so the effect of the harmful rays of the sun falls on it the most. Due to these harmful rays, the skin of the face starts looking dry and lifeless. Generally, people think that the problem of suntan occurs only in the summer season, but the truth is that sun tan is summer or winter, staying in the sun for a long time in any season can tan your skin.

What is Sun Tan?

When the face or other parts of the body become dark due to ultraviolet light, it is called tanning(1). Tanning is caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun or artificial light. If we do not take care of the skin, then due to this many types of problems occur to the skin. For example, sun tanning, where the skin gets burnt by the sun and a red rash forms on it.

Sun tanning causes a lot of damage to the skin and the skin also starts turning black. The skin of the face is more sensitive, so the effect of the harmful rays of the sun falls on it the most. Due to the effect of these harmful rays, the skin of the face starts to look dry and lifeless. It also absorbs the moisture of the skin, so due to this, the effect of wrinkles starts appearing on the face, and signs of premature aging start appearing on the face.

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Causes of Sun Tan

Skin tanning is common during the summer. UVA radiation is what makes people’s skin tan(2). The skin becomes tan due to UVA radiation. UVA rays affect the lower layers of the epidermis, triggering cells called melanocytes to produce melanin. The brown pigment is melanin which causes tanning.

The sun’s rays are strongest from 10 am to 4 pm. The sun’s rays are also more intense at higher altitudes and lower latitudes. According to research that dark-skinned people tan more deeply than light-skinned people. This is because melanocytes produce more melanin. But this does not mean that a person whose skin is not burnt cannot get skin cancer and other problems.

Do you know there are three main types of UV rays:

  • UVA
  • UVB
  • UVC

1. Ultraviolet A rays (UVA)

According to research 95 percent of UVA radiation reaches Earth’s surface(2). UVA rays cause wrinkles, sun spots, eye damage and skin aging. Even UVA rays are strongly linked to skin cancer. 

2. Ultraviolet B rays (UVB)

UVB rays damage the top layer of the skin, which also increases the risk of sunburn, skin cancer, aging of the skin, and two other types of skin cancer: basal and squamous cell carcinoma(3).

3. Ultraviolet C rays (UVC)

UVC radiation is minimally harmful because it is absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer.

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Symptoms of Sun Tan

The intense rays of the sun also absorb the moisture of the skin, so the effect of wrinkles starts appearing on the face before time(4). Exposure to sunlight affects the skin in two ways – one which shows immediate effect and the other which shows gradual effect. Showing immediate effect means that the skin quickly changes its color due to exposure to the sun.

Here are some Symptoms of Suntan 

1. Red and Darkening of the skin

2. Heating of the skin that is warm to the touch.

3. Blisters that develop and Rash on the skin.

4. skin peeling and Itching on the skin.

How to Prevent Sun Tan?

It is difficult to protect the skin from the effects of sunlight when out in the day, but by making changes in lifestyle and diet or by taking care of some things, the problem of suntan can be avoided to an extent.

1. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight to protect the skin from sunlight. If possible, do not go out in the sun too much.

2. Use sunscreen with SPF 15 to 30.

3. Wear cotton clothes so that sweat can dry easily.

4. If you are going out in the sun, wear sunglasses, hats and other protective clothing.

5. Cover your face and hands properly while going out in the sun.

6. Apply water resistant sunscreen lotion even while swimming.

7. The effect of the sun’s rays is more from 10 in the morning to 4 in the evening.

8. So during this time at least try to get out. If you have to go out under compulsion, wear protective clothing and apply sunscreen.

9. If you are going to the beach or pool, do not forget to take a big umbrella with you. If you have forgotten to carry an umbrella, sitting under a big leafy tree will give you relief.

10. Fresh fruits contain antioxidants that protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Therefore, consume fruits like orange, amla, apple etc. in the summer season.

11. By drinking water, the toxins present in the body come out and the body does not get dehydrated.

12. In the summer season, it is necessary to enhance the skin and protect it from the scorching sun. Pay special attention to the diet. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables during this time. This will improve the body and there will be no shortage of water in the body.

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Home Remedies for Sun Tan

Taking care of the skin is very important. If you are also troubled by sun tan, then you can use some home remedies. Some face packs are very effective to remove sun tan. This natural face mask is very helpful in removing skin tan.

Lemon and Cucumber

Vitamin C and natural enzymes are found in lemon, which helps in removing blemishes from the skin and have a lightening effect on the skin. Mixing cucumber and rose water with it increases the benefits. This face pack removes sun tan and helps to soothe the skin.


1. Prepare a pack by mixing all the ingredients well with 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon cucumber and 1 teaspoon rose water.

2. After that apply it on the sun tan affected area.

3. Wash it off after 10-12 minutes.

4. Make sure to use it once a day.

Curd and Tomato

Tomato and yogurt face packs are very effective in removing sun tan. It helps in producing new cells.


1. In a bowl, add 2 spoons of curd and one spoon of tomato juice and mix.

2. Apply this pack on the skin and after drying for 20 minutes, wipe the skin with a wet towel.

3. Using it 4 times a week removes sun tan easily.

Curd and Cucumber

Yogurt is beneficial for the skin. Lactobacilli are found in it, which helps to keep the skin young. Curd and cucumber face packs can protect your skin from sun tan.


1. Mix it well with 1/4 teaspoon of cucumber juice and 2 teaspoons of curd.

2. Apply this face pack all over your face and neck.

3. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

4. This face pack is very beneficial for oily and acne prone skin.

5. Those with sensitive skin can also use it.

Vitamin E and Aloe Vera

Vitamin E oil and aloe vera gel can be used. You can also use any skin moisturizer cream containing Vitamin E in this face pack. Vitamin E capsules can be used as a night cream in summers.


1. Mix a vitamin E capsule with half a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.

2. Massage it well on your face.

3. Wash it off after 30 minutes.


Papaya is not only nutritious to eat, but it is also used to enhance the complexion of the skin. Problems like tanning can be gotten rid of through papaya. This will also give the necessary nourishment to the skin and will also make the skin glow.


1. Mash the papaya and make a paste.

2. Apply it on the tanning area.

3. Wash the face after 15-20.

Lemon and Potato 

Potato and lemon juice face packs are extremely helpful in removing sun tan. Many such properties are found in them, which improves the complexion of the skin and makes the skin beautiful.


1. Mix both 1 tsp of potato juice and 1 tsp of lemon juice.

2. Apply this pack on the face and leave it till it dries.

3. Now wash it with clean fresh water.

4. Apply it daily for better results.

Honey And Papaya

If your face has also turned black due to prolonged exposure to the sun, then use a face pack made of honey and papaya. This pack removes sun tan from the face as well as nourishes the skin.


1. Mix 2 teaspoon papaya paste and one teaspoon honey in a bowl. 

2. Apply this pack on the skin and after drying for 20 minutes.

3. Wipe the skin with a wet towel.

4. Using it 4 times in a week removes sun tan easily.

Milk, Lemon Juice And Honey

Milk contains natural fats and minerals that tone the skin. It also contains magnesium, calcium and other proteins that tighten and nourish the skin.


1. Take 1 teaspoon milk, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon honey in a bowl and mix it well.

2. Apply this paste on your clean face.

3. Leave it on for about 20 minutes.

4. wash your face with cold water.

You can also use these face packs to remove sun tan and protect your skin from the rays of the sun. If you are allergic to any of these ingredients, please consult your doctor before use.

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